Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Me and the horse

Found this on here from 2007 and discovered I forgot to publish it back then:

Ok, there might be some of you out there that may not believe this, but here goes. At the ripe old age of 36, I finally got the chance to ride a horse. And I'm actually getting the chance to do it as often as I want.

Sure, I've always wanted to. And yes, I've never felt uncomfortable around animals of most sorts. In fact, I've even been told that after my second "lesson" (if you will) that I've picking it up fast and that I look like I know what I'm actually doing. I had to tell that person that I was simply a pretty good actor!

Been doing pretty much a walking trail ride, and some trotting. Or more precisely the horse is trotting and I'm just barely holding on.